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Test Driving a New Payment

Test Driving a New Payment

Test Drive your new mortgage payment today.  In both rising markets and softer markets there will always be people contemplating a move to a larger home, often with a larger mortgage to accommodate. How many of us takes steps in advance to prepare for a payment...
Pre-Approvals, are they valid?

Pre-Approvals, are they valid?

Pre-approvals, more important and less concrete than ever Short Version A mortgage pre-approval is little more than a ratehold. A second alternate credit report can be accessed by the lender/insurer and its contents devastating. A mortgage pre-approval is not fully...
Bi-Weekly Payment Clarity.

Bi-Weekly Payment Clarity.

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″]There has been a post circulating around social media over the past few weeks that has created confusion around the benefits of bi-weekly mortgage payments. The keyword omitted from the conversation is...
 Interest Rates: Pundits, Predictions and Sharknado

 Interest Rates: Pundits, Predictions and Sharknado

Short Version Watch Sharknadoas it is a better use of your time than reading inflammatory predictions. Mortgage rates actually dipped lower this week. For a BC resident with the provincial average variable-rate mortgage balance of $300,000.00 a 0.25% hike in interest...