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Market Update August 2015

Market Update August 2015

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″]Another (new) normal month in Vancouver Real Estate.  New highs, multiple offers, frenzy, madness….yawn. its officially the same old same old. The market stats paint the same picture as last month. Hot Hot Hot! So hot we had...
Market Update – July 2015

Market Update – July 2015

How many months in a row do we call the market ‘crazy’ before crazy is just the new normal? How many years in a row do we call interest rates ‘too low’ before low is just the new normal? So what does normal look like this month? Record setting on the sales...
A 235 Year Amortisation!

A 235 Year Amortisation!

A picture is worth 1,000 words. (actually just 136)   There seems much angst and concern from Government regulators over a first time buyer with less than 20% down taking longer than 25 years to pay off on appreciating (or at least historically stable) asset....
Test Driving a New Payment

Test Driving a New Payment

Test Drive your new mortgage payment today.  In both rising markets and softer markets there will always be people contemplating a move to a larger home, often with a larger mortgage to accommodate. How many of us takes steps in advance to prepare for a payment...
Pre-Approvals, are they valid?

Pre-Approvals, are they valid?

Pre-approvals, more important and less concrete than ever Short Version A mortgage pre-approval is little more than a ratehold. A second alternate credit report can be accessed by the lender/insurer and its contents devastating. A mortgage pre-approval is not fully...