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Portability, of course your mortgage is portable…or is it?

Portability, of course your mortgage is portable…or is it?

Short Version Asking whether ones mortgage is portable or not is not the right (complete) question. Confirming that one is able to qualify to port their mortgage to a new property is the key question. Speak to your Broker in detail about your plans, and assume...

Cash Back Mortgages – There is no Free Lunch

Full disclosure, there is a bias within the following words.  I have tried for a few weeks to create more balance within this post, but in the face of effective interest rates of 53.38% (read on), it was exceedingly difficult to find significant strength in the...

Buyer Beware the ‘lowest’ Rate in “Mortgage Wars”

Re-posting and edited from a piece written for Short Version; Yes, a certain lender or Broker may offer a rate .05% lower than another.  But what is the true cost? The client may save $4.31 per month per 100K of Mortgage balance. ($250.20 over 5 years) but...
Moving Up, Sideways, and Downsizing – Ten Costs to Consider

Moving Up, Sideways, and Downsizing – Ten Costs to Consider

Short Version Purchasing a Property should be a calculated move, lacking in surprises. 1. Speak to you Mortgage Broker ask if you ‘Qualify to Port your mortgage’. It is not well known that although the mortgage may be ‘portable’ both the...